How-to-prepare-for-you-first-baby Blue Almonds Ltd

How to prepare for your first baby

By Blue Almonds founder/owner Izabela Minkiewicz

Very often I’m asked what do you need to do to prepare for your first baby? I always recommend a blend of both practical preparedness and emotional readiness.

First Stage (4th-6th Month)

Start with getting the nursery ready. The creative process takes longer and also the furniture often has long lead times. You will need a Moses basket, cot bed, chest of drawers and/or changing unit. We also recommend a comfortable nursing chair - you can use this as a supportive chair while pregnant, as well as for feeding when baby is born.

You can also use this time to focus on decorative items and accessories for the nursery, such as a rug, lighting, wallpaper etc.

See our blog posts here about how to design your nursery and how to decorate your nursery.

Second Stage (6th-7th Month)

Use this time to investigate the best Pushchair for your circumstances. We recommend going to a specialist store to get a feel for it, rather than buying online.

During this time you can also research formula milk, dummies, bottles etc so that you are prepared with the right knowledge and equipment when the baby is born, and can respond more easily to any unexpected situations.

Third Stage (8th Month)

In the final months, do the easiest and most enjoyable tasks. Little things that are easy to buy such as clothing for the first few months, take me home layette, bibs, blankets, hats and little toys like comforters for when baby is born.

Surround yourself with good friends, family and other parents and prioritise your self-care to preserve your mental and physical well-being.

Fourth Stage (Final Weeks)

Ensure you get complete rest, put your feet up and enjoy the quiet! Try not to leave any tasks for the last month, as the baby may arrive earlier than expected!

See my planning checklist below to help you prepare thoroughly:

  1. Baby Essentials: Items like a crib or moses basket, car seat, pushchair, nappies, bottles, breast pump (if breastfeeding), and clothing are crucial.
  2. The Nursery: Create a comfortable and safe space for your baby to sleep and play, including a crib or moses basket, changing table, and storage for clothes and supplies.
  3. Feeding Supplies: Whether breastfeeding or formula feeding, ensure you have the necessary equipment such as bottles, teats, breast pump (if breastfeeding), and feeding pillow.
  4. Baby Health, Safety and Wellness: Stock up on baby-friendly health and grooming items like baby thermometer, baby nail clippers, infant-safe toiletries, and a first-aid kit.
  5. Parenting Books/Resources: Educate yourself on baby care, breastfeeding, and parenting techniques through books, online resources, and parenting classes.
  6. Gather your Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, and fellow parents who can offer advice, help, and encouragement during the transition to parenthood.
  7. Mental Preparation & Self Care: Recognise that parenthood can be both rewarding and challenging. Take time to mentally prepare for the changes ahead and prioritise self-care to maintain your well-being.
  8. Financial Planning: Consider the costs associated with having a baby, including healthcare expenses, childcare, and potential changes to your income or work situation.
  9. Childcare Arrangements: If applicable, make arrangements for childcare or parental leave to ensure you have support during the early stages of parenthood.
  10. Have a Flexible and Adaptable Attitude: Understand that every baby is different, and parenting may not always go as planned. Stay flexible, trust your instincts, and be prepared to adapt to your baby's needs as they grow and develop.

By focusing on these essentials, you can better prepare for the arrival of your first baby and embark on your parenting journey with more confidence and readiness.

For parenting resources we recommend:

Nursery Design Resources

How to design your nursery

How to decorate your nursery